Elanora Squash & Fitness Grows Community Engagement And Loyalty With Popular Kids Multi-Sport School Holiday Camps

The Background

Elanora Squash & Fitness Centre is a comprehensive sports facility offering exciting multi-sport holiday camps for children aged 5-14 during school holiday periods. 

The Challenge 

Elanora’s existing camp advertisements were outdated and cluttered. 

Plus, there wasn’t a central resource parents could go to for the necessary detailed information. 

Parents were left deciphering brochures with messy graphics and incomplete information. 

Elanora needed a digital solution that could be easily updated to correspond to school holidays throughout the year and drive bookings year-round. 

Our Solution

We launched into a complete overhaul… 

We created new marketing materials showcasing a fresh and modern brand identity that spoke to today’s families and aligned with the Elanora mother brand… 

Some of the valuable resources created include: 

  • Scannable QR Codes: We modernised their brochures, posters and ads with scannable QR codes for quick access … 
  • A Dedicated Landing Page: We designed a user-friendly landing page with all camp details, schedules, and registration options. 
  • An Interactive Calendar: Making a booking was made easy with an interactive calendar that leads straight to a shopping cart… 
  • Engaging Social Media Posts: We crafted eye-catching social media posts highlighting the fun, active experiences offered through the camps. These posts included clear calls to action, encouraging parents to learn more and register their children… 

All marketing materials were designed to be evergreen – easily adapted for future camps without requiring a complete overhaul, just and update of the specific details. 


The new marketing approach led to a significant increase in brand visibility for Elanora’s holiday camps improving community engagement and loyalty. By creating evergreen content and leveraging technology like QR codes, and dedicated landing pages, Elanora Squash & Fitness is now positioned to continue attracting new camp bookings year after year. 


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