employee training and development

Is it worth investing in training and developing employees?

Landing a job fresh
out of university doesn’t spell the end of learning. On the job learning has
always been a fact of working life, but in an age of technology, knowledge-based
industries and an ever-expanding list of job titles, the need for continued
training in the workplace has never been greater.

The question is, who
is responsible for such training? Is it the responsibility of research is showing that skills gained through personal training are increasingly valuable in the workplace today.

  • Aon Hewitt
    found that
    employee training and development can make a workplace more
  • 94% of
    Means for

    Employee job

    Increased productivity

    What is the role of an

    Is it the
    responsibility of an employer to invest in personal and professional training
    for their employees? Based on the research, if you want to retain the best
    employees – yes. If you want happy and engaged employees – yes. If you want to
    increase productivity and improve your bottom line – yes!

    It can be all too easy
    for employers to relegate the responsibility of personal training on the
    employee and provide professional training on a mechanical basis. In other
    words, employees know how to use a software program, or how a new product
    works, but fail to understand the bigger picture of how and why.

    If employers want to
    create a thriving workplace then they have a responsibility to not only provide
    personal and professional training, but ensure it is effective.


    Delivering the right
    training, finding time and training costs are among the biggest challenges
    faced by employers when it comes to providing personal and professional

    Employers need to
    provide the right training. This means the right
    content, right format and
    learning mode. In our time poor society, finding the time for personal and
    professional training will be a challenge. Employers will need to be creative
    in order to prioritize training and avoid conflict with work tasks. Personal
    and professional training programs range in price from zero cost to thousands
    of dollars. Employers should consider the cost-benefit of any training program.

    Measuring the
    effectiveness of personal and professional training initiatives is essential to
    determine how and where you should invest. This means measuring satisfaction
    and engagement, perhaps through anonymous surveys, monitoring attrition rates
    and evaluating changes in productivity as a result of training programs.

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